Fairlie Dog Park

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to develop a dog park for the Fairlie Community and the region’s visitors. Xyst started by identifying the project’s scope through engagement with the Fairlie Community Board.

Xyst then procured products for the Dog Park, including dog-proof perimeter fencing, hydro-seeding, a drinking fountain, waste receptacles, seating and signage (aligned with the Council’s Dog Control Bylaw). Once the Dog Park was established, further community consultation took place over fittings and other potential enhancements. Xyst then started conversations with the local MENZ Shed to discuss the production of agility furniture.

Project Benefit

Xyst assisted the Mackenzie District Council in developing of a dog park for the Fairlie Community and the regions visitors.
Client organisation
Mackenzie District Council
Project Management
Capital works project management
Project scoping