Playground Renewal Plan

Xyst worked with the client’s internal parks team developing their playground levels of service to support Council’s future strategic direction.

A report was provided outlining the service levels and recommendations to support future funding applications and to address current gaps in service levels within the next 5 years.

  • Developed levels of service to guide the scale of desired development.
  • Analysed the data and prioritised the playgrounds renewals/improvements using the assessment information previously prepared by Xyst and based on the levels of service.  
  • Prepared generic costs associated with renewal and improvement of each playground/site.
  • Prepared a report, outlining the process, outcomes and key recommendations.



Project Benefit

Developed a prioritised program to guide future program planning and long-term budgeting for playground renewal and improvements across the Shire.
Client organisation
Mount Alexander Shire Council
Open Space Planning
Quality/performance assessments
Service Delivery
Quality Auditing and Monitoring
Levels of service setting
Project Management
Capital works programme management
Asset Management
Condition Assessment
Play Spaces
Performance/Play value assessments