Lighting in public and outdoor spaces involves much more than providing illumination at night. Lighting is a tool that provides safe access across public spaces, enhances the cityscape at night and becomes another architectural tool in the design of better living spaces for our communities.
As we look to the future in developing public spaces people will love, lighting design also considers the balance between providing suitable lighting while offsetting light pollution where we may want people to see the stars shining at night.
Xyst brings a unique and exclusive combination of skills and experience to every aspect of lighting outdoor spaces.
Our award-winning, qualified independent lighting designer provides a wide range of specialist lighting advice to the local government, tourism and port sectors.
if we can help you deliver a project
Our expertise
- Lighting Design
- Asset Data Collection
- Lighting Master Plans and Policy
- Energy and Whole-of-Life Cost Assessments
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Assessments
- Independent Project Briefing, Tender and Evaluation
- LED Lighting Assessment
- Dark Sky Assessments and Applications
Related Team

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