Project Management
We specialise in providing specialist project management skills for parks, recreation and community projects. We understand the more complex community engagement needs in these projects often missed by other project managers and also apply our years of practical park and facility design knowledge to ensure your project meets your community need. We can also support project management with our in-house landscape architecture and planning services.
Over the years we have managed the construction of New Zealand Cycle Trails, public amenities, playgrounds, skateparks, holiday parks, temporary facilities for freedom campers and more!
if we can help you deliver a project
Our expertise
- Community Engagement (IAP2 qualified)
- Stakeholder Management
- Procurement (Level 6 qualified)
- Playgrounds
- Public Amenities
- Trails
- Skateparks and Youth Facilities
- Responsible Camping and Holiday Parks
- Funding Applications
Related Team

Related Projects
Drone Aerial Imagery of Parks and Reserves
Xyst completed aerial mapping (using a drone) of rural land and reserves to provide a new orthomosaic image to be used for GIS, planning and
Lake Ruataniwha Toilets
Tourism Infrastructure Fund Xyst managed a design build contract for these two dry vault, accessible public toilets at Lake Ruataniwha. The toilets are durable and
Open Space Operations and Maintenance Contract
Xyst worked closely with Council to undertake the procurement for the Open Space Operations and Maintenance contract. This involved developing a procurement plan, contract writing,
Lake Alexandrina Community Engagement
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to provide management support for the Lake Alexandrina and McGregor Reserves, which over successive years had fallen
Owen Delany Park Stadium and Sports Lighting
The Owen Delany Stadium hosts national and regional sporting events. Xyst were engaged to specify the stadium lighting for televised events and the lower rugby
Harbour Facilities Officer Secondment
Xyst provided staffing resource on a secondment to cover a vacant position at the Thames-Coromandel District Council. During the 11 months Xyst was engaged, staff
Taumarunui-Ōhura Ward Reserves
Parks Development and Maintenance Plan Xyst visited each park and reserve in the Ward to collect park asset data and to map the current and
Parks and Playgrounds gap analysis and performance assessment
Xyst undertook an open space performance and asset gap analysis covering: Development of an agreed level of service standard for the BBS parks and open
Project Management of City ‘Gateway’ Sculpture
Xyst worked closely with mana whenua to understand their aspirations and ensure these were in alignment with Waka Kotahi’s parameters. Xyst supported the artist and
Playground Renewal Plan
Xyst worked with the client’s internal parks team developing their playground levels of service to support Council’s future strategic direction. A report was provided outlining
Purser Grove Reserve Development
Concept Plan Development and Procurement Xyst developed the final concept plan to enable Council to independently appoint the main landscape construction contractor – who was
Pōmare Park Development – Stage 1
Procurement and Project Management Xyst procured a suitable construction contractor via a competitive tender process and appointed them under a 3910 Construction Contract. Xyst also
Lake Tekapo Township Rabbit Control
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to coordinate rabbit control in the Lake Tekapo township following a Notice of Direction from Environment Canterbury (ECAN). Xyst
Meadow Bank Reserve Development
Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently,
Streets for People Concept Development Plan
Xyst worked with the project team, and engaged with key stakeholders in the development of a series of landscape concept plans for key sites within
Better Off Funding Application
The Mackenzie District Council was offered the opportunity to apply for $1.55m in funding in the first tranche of the Better Off Funding program through
Fraser Stream Willow Control
The Fraser Stream, located in a semi-rural area in Twizel, experienced extensive damage to the crack willows along its banks following a severe storm. Multiple
Lake Alexandrina Outlet Creek Willow Removals
The Mackenzie District Council received reports of high lake levels and flooding around the outlet creek at Lake Alexandrina, which was causing adverse impacts on
Strathconan Pool Plant Refurbishment
The Strathconan Pool was identified as non-compliant with New Zealand Pool Water Quality Standards (NZS 5826:2010), with a water turnover exceeding eight hours. The Mackenzie
Lake Ruataniwha Northern Boat Ramp Toilet
A toilet block at Lake Ruataniwha was destroyed due to vandalism. Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to coordinate the insurance claim for
Pool Heating Procurement & Project Management
In 2021, the heating systems at both the Fairlie and Twizel Pools failed to meet the demands of longer summer pool seasons, placing additional strain
Judd Crescent Reserve Planting Plan and Planting Procurement
Xyst worked with Hutt City Council to develop a planting plan for a recently upgraded reserve at Judd Crescent in Naenae. We chose a suitable
Short Report on Public Toilet Construction Cost Comparisons
Xyst engaged with leading public convenience facility suppliers, requesting costings for similar three-pan facility builds, including inclusions and exclusions for both pending builds and finished
Wilding Pine Removals
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to assist with the removal of 60 hectares of wilding conifers (Contorta and Corsican) in a block visible from
Wayfinding Signage Installations
Xyst was commissioned by the Mackenzie District Council to project manage the installation of new park, public space, and wayfinding signage throughout the Mackenzie District.
Twizel Man Made Hill Development
The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted
Mauka Atua Reserve, Design & Development
Xyst took on the task of designing and developing the Mauka Atua Reserve, transforming it into a functional public space. Collaborating closely with the Lake
Lake Tekapo Wild Fire Mitigation
Consultants from Xyst, engaged by the Mackenzie District Council, received a report from Fire & Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) identifying Lake Tekapo’s vulnerabilities to wildfire.
Fairlie Ashes Circle
The team at Xyst were engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to spearhead the development of the Fairlie Cemetery Ashes Circle. The project started with
Kaiapoi Community Hub Project Management
The Kaiapoi Community Hub is a complex programme of works located in the red zone area within Waimakariri as a result of the 2011 Canterbury
Lottery Community Facilities Grant Application – Tulloch Park Stage 2
Xyst reviewed eligibility to the fund and prepared the application content, which included detailing the nature of the project, identifying the community need the project
Taitua Memorial Landscape Design
Xyst received input from the TAG group on the direction for the memorial and developed the concept and the detailed design set including signage design.
Port Ōhope Wharf – TIF Application
Xyst detailed out a two-phase development including landscape concept plans, specifications and high level project pricing. Phase 1 included the exterior southern plaza, recreational wharf,
Putāruru Water Park – Stage 2 Visitors Precinct – TIF Application
Xyst detailed the proposal, the project description, the proposed infrastructure, funding source investigation, the project milestones, risks and mitigations for the project in the application
Landsdowne Trail Toilets and Wetland Stargazing Platform – TIF Application
Xyst investigated and priced the toilet and stargazing deck design and build options and pulled together the relevant co-funding application to the value of $288,750.
Otaia/Lindsay Bush Reserve – Toilet and Carpark Replacement – TIF Application
Xyst completed eligibility checks, the project description, proposed infrastructure and funding investigations, as well as the proposed delivery programme, risks and mitigations. Central Hawkes Bay
Twizel Resource Recovery Park – Planting Plan & Planting
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to produce a planting plan and project manage the planting of the Twizel Resource Recovery Park. Xyst’s
Ohau Road Reserve Redevelopment
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to revitalise the Ohau Road Reserve in Twizel. The project began with the creation of a concept
Lake Alexandrina and Lake McGregor Camp – Revegetation Plan
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s consultants to collaborate with Ngāi Tahu, the Department of Conservation (DoC), and the Lakes Alexandrina & McGregor Campground Association
Ruatoria Puawaitanga Park – Concept Plan
The developed concept design aided further stage programming, planning, funding, detailed design and construction.
Preferred Arboricultural Service Suppliers Panel Procurement
Xyst developed a procurement plan, conducted early market analysis, prepared RFP documents and response forms, put out the tender, evaluated bids received, and assisted ADC
Contracts and Specifications Review
Xyst worked to facilitate a series of tasks that have a focus on operational management of the portfolio of open space. This includes: project management
Pakipaki Pouwhenua
This project brought numerous enhancements to a section of State Highway 2, which passes the Pakipaki community and Te Kura o Pakipaki, all aimed at
Signage Suite & Procurement
The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs
Milford Opportunities Project
Milford Sound Piopiotahi is one of New Zealand’s most popular visitor attractions and iconic destinations in the world. 870,000 visitors went to Milford Sound Piopiotahi
Public Toilet Strategy
Public toilets are important community facilities for residents and visitors to maintain a safe, healthy, clean and tidy city. This Strategy considers facility provision, distribution,
Mangakino Reserve and Lakefront Development Plan
This popular area experiences significant pressure from different user groups. Users include casual recreational users who utilise the reserve for more passive recreational activities for
Parks, Recreation and Culture Capital Prioritization Widget
Xyst Canada developed a capital project prioritization tool. We used risk, provision and cost factors to prioritize capital project and used this process to communicate
Capital Prioritization Tool
Xyst Canada Ltd. developed a tool based on criteria developed with internal staff. The ‘widget’ tool prioritizes all Parks capital projects. The project ranking results
Peace Avenue Trees
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to undertake an inspection of the 500 historic Peace Avenue trees planted at the turn of the
Taurapa Sculpture Lighting
Xyst worked with the Taurapa artist, Maia Hegglun to retrospectively install lighting to illuminate Maia’s work. We produced rendering’s and concept drawings, obtained consents along
Parks & Facilities Management
Xyst was brought on board after a thorough risk and performance evaluation of the Mackenzie District Council’s parks and community facilities operations. Xyst was then
Nelson Camping Hub
The Council resolved to provide a central service hub for campers visiting Nelson. Xyst identified potential sites and negotiated a lease for a disused petrol
Parks, Gardens, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Operations and Maintenance Contract
Xyst undertook a comprehensive procurement process for the development of a new maintenance contract covering the entire district. This included specification writing, GIS asset and
Trail Signage at Whataupoko Park
Xyst developed a wayfinding signage plan in consultation with the Gisborne MTB Club. This project included: • consultation with immediate neighbours • development of a
Rakaia Gorge Campground Toilet Renewal and Star Deck TIF Application
Xyst completed the full application documentation, including justifying the need for additional infrastructure, developing the infrastructure proposal, demonstrating how the project will support the local
Anderson Park Stage 2 Development Options Analysis
Xyst provided analysis on the feasibility and cost of the proposed project components including conversion of the former toilet block into a cafe, recirculation and
Riverside Dog Exercise Park Development
Xyst managed the concept and assisted in detailed design, procured products (dog agility equipment, wheelchair access, dog drinking fountains, picnic table, bag dispenser) and construction
Glacier Country Cycle Trail Feasibility Study
Xyst worked alongside Tourism Resource Consultants to deliver a feasibility report outlining a proposed cycle and walking trail between Okarito and Fox Glacier that would
Gender Impact Assessment, Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project
Yarra Ranges Council is committed to working towards a Yarra Ranges where everyone has equitable access to resources, power and opportunities. This commitment is documented
Pakowhai Pou and signage project
Xyst worked with Waka Kotahi and mana whenua to install three pou whenua near the Links Road/State Highway 2 roundabout in Hawkes Bay. Xyst consultants
TIF Round 7 Application – Tulloch Park Toilet and Change Room Development
As part of the Stage 2 development of Tulloch Park in Mataura, Gore District Council wishes to develop a new toilet and change facility to
Westshore Playground Renewal – Scoping and Procurement for Design and Build
Key aspects of the project included: Scope development following community consultation Assessment of exisiting play structures Arrangement of site survey and consenting investigations Development of
Contract Training Workshop
Xyst prepared and led a 3/4 day training session on contract management, contributing to cover contract management tasks including tender planning, specification writing, etc. Three
Oval Reserve Sports Park irrigation
Xyst was engaged by Tairāwhiti Gisborne District Council to provide end-to-end project management for the design and installation of an irrigation system for Oval Reserve
River Walkway Development
Xyst worked with Council officers to identify a future walkway linkage. We undertook consultation with adjacent property owners, including land acquisition and easement over land,
Tulloch Park Development – Lotteries Community Facilities Fund Application
Xyst assisted in the preparation of the text for the online application as well as the development of the budget, project timeframe and delivery milestones.
Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF) Applications
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to submit successive applications to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF), administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Fairlie Dog Park
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to develop a dog park for the Fairlie Community and the region’s visitors. Xyst started by identifying the project’s